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2022-06-02 19:55:00 标签:lol台词


  卡莎英文名字全称是Kai'sa - Daughter of the Void(虚空之女)


  Kai'Sa In Champion Select


  >>> Are you the hunter... or the prey?


  >>> You wouldn't last a day in the void.

  When Kai'Sa Upon First Move

  >>> Here is where we make our stand. Do as I say, it's the only way if we want to live.

  >>> This suit lives on me, it calls me home. We survive together.

  >>> You know that feeling when your skin crawls? Like a thousand needles poking through every pore? Blood pounding through every vein? That's just an itch compared to what lives on me.

  >>> The first time I returned from the void, it was to save me. Now it's to save them.

  >>> Stay with me, and we live.

  >>> When memories fade and darkness surrounds you, find the strength inside.

  >>> My appearance may frighten you, but make no mistake: I am on your side, and we fight to the bitter end.

  When Kai'Sa In Attacking

  >>> My suit hungers.

  >>> Foolish quarry!

  >>> Kai'Sa, remember the name!

  >>> This is my purpose, learn from me.

  Kai'sa Upon Attacking Jax

  >>> A lamp's not gonna do it, Jax.

  >>> I guess I'm next Jax.

  Kai'sa Upon Attacking Jinx

  >>> Settle down sister!

  >>> You want crazy?

  >>> You talk too much.

  Kai'sa Upon Attacking Kassadin

  >>> Have we met?

  >>> You seem familiar.

  >>> Something is off here.

  Kai'Sa Upon Attacking Kha'Zix

  >>> I know your tricks.

  >>> Don't test me.

  >>> You will leave this place.

  Kai'Sa Upon Attacking Kog'Maw

  >>> What are you?

  >>> Not on my watch, glutton.

  >>> Vile creature...

  Kai'Sa Upon Attacking Malzahar

  >>> Looking for me?

  >>> Let's set the story straight.

  Kai'Sa Upon Attacking Miss Fortune

  >>> You call those guns?

  >>> You're outgunned.

  >>> Step back red!

  When Kai'Sa On The Movement

  >>> I came for the hunt, but I'll stay for the fruit.

  >>> I like it here, I just might stay.

  >>> This skin lives on me, and hunts with me.

  >>> Feed the beast, or be its meal.

  >>> I was spared for a reason.

  >>> Forgiveness is hard, but so very worth it.

  >>> I return stronger than I left.

  >>> Exploit their weakness.

  >>> A moving target lives longer.

  >>> I can make a difference here.

  >>> I will make a difference here.

  >>> This place is beautiful, I'm going to save it.

  >>> This skin is fashioned for survival, and honed by instinct.

  >>> It's a good day for a hunt.

  >>> I came back for the others who could not.

  >>> Hold our ground, attack them in theirs.

  >>> Void rule number one, don't die.

  >>> Exploit their mistakes.

  >>> Survival means never stopping, the void knows that too.

  >>> This suit hunts in the manner I choose.

  >>> It's fight or flight, only now I do not run.

  >>> Stay alert, stay aggressive.

  >>> This world is changing... we decide into what.

  >>> Monsters are everywhere.

  >>> Ah, trees... How I missed them.

  >>> Danger is real, fear is an illusion.

  >>> Imagine a place where it's always night and you're holding faith for a dawn that never comes. I don't have to imagine. I've been there.

  >>> The skin grows restless, it needs to feed. If it doesn't could I be next?

  >>> Anger is useless to me, a wound that will only continue to fester.

  >>> I am the antidote, for the rivers of poison flowing beneath us all.

  When Kai'Sa Upon Respawning

  >>> In the void I had no one. I was a doomed outsider. Here, people are everywhere, and they are all mine.

  >>> Some call me 'Monster', they have no idea what lurks just below us all.

  >>> The void is not so much a place ‒ it is a power, reaching out to consume all life.

  >>> The void-spawn offer a thousand ways to die, and one way to live: Become like them.

  >>> The things we carry should lift us up, not weigh us down. Memories, love, and hope are the lightest necessities.

  >>> The yoke of fear is a heavy burden. Hunters must be nimble, and walk lightly.

  >>> I grew up deep inside a vast emptiness, I do not wish to grow old in one. That is why we must fight.

  >>> Down there I was surrounded by nothingness, but I was never alone. Memories comfort like the closest companion.